Gian Paolo Galasi
I have a personal profile starting Sept. 26 2013 on Vogue Italia's website section dedicated to photographers. To see my account, follow this link.
An internationally read magazine which is published 12 times per year, both online and in print. The name, Caprice, which means "to have a sudden change, or direction" refers to the dramatic shift in content from one article to the next within each issue. Founded on March 30, 2012, Caprice is dedicated to showcasing the talents of both professional and amateur photographers. Since its inception, and release of the inaugural issue on May 1, the magazine has featured a regular monthly top 50 compilation of photographs entitled SNAPSHOT, travel stories and blogs in GPS and introduced the world to a myriad different personalities.
deviantART is the world's largest online art community. My personal dA page apart, other artists/admins are featuring some of my works in their own journals along with others. Cyril Berthault-Jacquier, a photographer residing in Bruxelles (I particularly appreciate some of his works), featured me on a Listen to My World series, but you can see others also following the links: 1, 2, 3.
A page on Tumblr about architecture. My photographs were featured on May 2013 two times: 1 2